3. Continuing Along The South Downs Way
Southease Church The gaps in the South Downs ridge run roughly north/south and contain the villages although they’re generally a mile or so north or south of the actual path. Many of these villages are classic English country style collections of thatch and flint and cobble set about with climbing roses and tumbling overplanted gardens. There are many beautiful cottages but not ones I’d want to live in because they generally have tiny windows. Some of the churches are interesting to see though, for instance the lovely little one at Southease has a round tower and unusually is not dedicated to any saint. From the tops of these huge whale-backed chalk hills there are distant views. To the north we look over the patchwork of what looks like a well wooded landscape with more hills in the distant haze. To the south ten miles or so away, we’re accompanied by the Brighton, Hove, Worthing conurbation with hundreds of thousands of people living i...