2. Australia - Kalbarri to Wreath Flowers
Covering 8 September to 10 September 2019 mouth of the Murchison River The next day, after a quick tr ip to the touri st office (everywhere seems to have one), we decide on a coastal walk. Wildflowers are a big draw here in Western A ustralia and every tourist office has information about where to find them locally, although it appears to me that there is a certain amount of hype about it. There’s even an app for smartphones and tablets that lets you know what’s in bloom and where. The path we took wound along the top of impressively high cliffs through what at a quick glance looked like lovely Dorset heathland but after only a slighter slower glance was obviously full of unfamiliar vegetation. It was hot but thankfully there was a cooling breeze off the sea which made it very comfortable. I suppose we had what was an unusual pairing to look out for, unusual plants and humpback whales migrating southwards for the summer. ...