Pyrenees 6. End of the Pyrenees
three photos - walking towards the Cirque du Gavarnie We turned south and upwards towards the Cirque de Gavarnie which turned out to be one of the great sites and sights. Parking was two or three miles from the Cirque itself and the walk to it was along a lovely valley with meadows to each side and a smallish river tinkling through it doing what seemed to be a terrible job at cooling things down a bit. However, we had no control to measure it against so I may be too harsh on what was an attractive bubbly little line of what had until very recently been snow. It was here we saw the only Edelweiss of our entire journey. A surprise because we’ve only seen it before on rocky slopes high in the mountains and this was a flat meadow with conifers dotted around and it’s not expected to start blooming until July. Unmistakably Edelweiss though, a funny little plant and I’ve never understood the fuss made about it. Maybe it is just that that old song made it well known. yes, this is E...