11. Australia - Not what you’d expect in Oz and getting Bluer
Covering 25 October to 2 November 2019 the estuary at Mallocoota just about dawn from next to our van about midday, nearer the sea and then after the afternoon rain Very close to the Victoria/New South Wales border we spent a couple of days at a place called Mallacoota whose campsite sits looking east right on the edge of the most beautiful tidal estuary. It was a huge site and in the office they told us that at Christmas it’s just manic with three thousand people booked in. So definitely a place to be avoided in late December. Mount Kosciuszko is just left of centre Snow Gum trunk After this we headed back inland again to visit something many people would not associate with Australia - Snow. The highest peak in the country is in the Snowy Mountains and it’s called Mount Kosciuszko (pronounced here as Kozzie os co). Most of the walks here were officially closed due to snow levels and work being undertaken bef...